From My Mind
Blog Posts for Growth + Design
Sharing Your Thoughts on Social Media and Blogs
After we finish a website and branding package I have some clients who are ready to further share their thoughts…and want to do it all, all at once. Here’s how I recommend they get the best ROI.

Speaker, Author, or Both?
Do you become a well-known speaker before you write a book? Or, do you write a book and use that as leverage to become a well-known speaker? It’s a bit of a chicken or the egg question! But, speaking and writing a book are BOTH great ways to get your worthy message...

The Guide to Book Club Guides
Have you ever been in a book group? I had an informal one with some friends when I was in grad school — this served as an opportunity for us to read a non-academic book once a month. Later, when I lived overseas in Japan for two years, I found a book club that became...
Mosaic Musings
Thrift Shop & Estate Sale Shopping Strategy
Part of the fun for me is to find, aka treasure hunt. I created this list to make sure I visited all the store sections at the thrift shop or considered how I could use any random items at an estate sale…and make sure I don’t buy anything that would blow the...
Getting Over the Guilt
I started my mosaic journey by breaking plates with a hammer in a plastic IKEA bag (bad choice of material to use, the glass broke the bag pretty quickly–the recommended wrap is an old towel). I had purchased odds and ends of plates from thrift shops and enjoyed the...
A Stockpile of Pique Assiette
Recently I found an entire set of dishes that I couldn’t pass up. I usually steer clear of sets of dishes as even the Goodwill employees know that a full set of china is something special. However, this was closer to earthen-ware and not fine porcelain. It was also...