Print Media Work
ephemora to tell your storyI got my start in graphic design working in print media: I was a part of a public programs department. We needed regular programs and publicity flyers for our events, but our designers were often (usually) overtasked with long-term exhibit needs. So they sent me to school! I learned Quark Express and my mentor Susan Walther, helped me design my very first brochure: a victory garden pamphlet that was delivered by the pallet-full to be placed in the lunchroom of the National Museum of American History.
And from that beginning, I have continued my love of “making things pretty” and as you’ll see on the rest of my site, the “top-down” beauty of a file that is organized and easy to read makes me truly happy … whether it’s for something in print or something online (or even something on my mosaic bench).
Brochures + Products

Invitations + Swag

Business Cards + Logos