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Step Away From the Facebook Boost Button
It is so tempting, it seems so easy—boost this post and great things will happen! Right? Wrong. In most cases, it is a waste of your money to use the boost post feature in Facebook. WHY WE DON’T LIKE IT When we get access to client accounts and take a look at the...

Why You NEED a Digital Download
If you’ve been online in the last week, let alone the last three years or so, then you’ve probably also amassed your fair share of digital downloads. Sometimes known as lead magnets (freebies, giveaways, etc.), these are items that authors and other businesses create...

Why You NEED a Photo Library
We can’t stress this enough. NO, the free photo you got from the photo store at the mall is not good enough. NO, the photos from your holiday card with your sister cropped out won’t work (yes, that’s really something someone asked). Let’s say it like this: a picture...